
School Responses to COVID and the Impact on Families of Children with Complex Needs

Consent to Act as a Participant in a Research Study
This study is designed to investigate school responses to COVID and the impact on families of children with complex needs. Mitigating COVID has been difficult for everyone, but there have been unique challenges for parents and caregivers of children with disabilities.

Thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire. You will be asked 45 questions but the survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this questionnaire, no identifiable information will be collected, and all data collected are confidential and will be stored in a password protected computer for three years and then safely destroyed.

Participation is voluntary and there will not be compensation for participation. The study protocol has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at Robert Morris University (IRB@rmu.edu or 412-397-6227). If you have any questions at any time about the survey or the procedures you may contact Vicki Donne at 412-397-5465 or donne@rmu.edu.

Please indicate your consent by selecting START to begin the questionnaire. You may withdraw from participation at any time by exiting the survey and there will be no negative consequences to withdrawing from the study at any time.
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